Sunday, May 4, 2014

Tasting- Hacienda Gewurztraminer

Name: Hacienda 
Variety:  Gewurztraminer 
Region: California
Country: U.S. 
Year: 2009
Price: $ 4.95 

Winery Review: This beguiling Gewurztraminer has a stunning bouquet of apricot, pear, and banana. The unctuous dry palate is nicely balanced with bracing acidity. The wine pairs beautifully with seafood, grilled spicy sausage, as well as a nice ripe blue cheese such as gargonzola. Serve chilled.

Personal Review: This wine is a straw yellow color. On the nose I got the smell of petrol. This was an interesting nose for me because I was not used to it. The taste of the wine was like apple juice. Overall, I enjoyed this wine. I did not pair it with food. 

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